Non Sequitur Irony

Insight into funny everyday occurrences

Monday, May 24, 2010

On Academic Dishonesty:

Cheating is to blame for the increase and movement in new technology which we rely on today. It's true! It just so happens it's called a different name "Research" and "inspiration." Think about it, even Bill Gates got his idea from another guy, recoded it and patented it. Some successful cheaters win grammies for using beats from other songs. Get caught checking answers on a test and you get sent to the office. Where's the love? Alright, I understand their point, studying the material helps teachers keep their jobs which keeps jobs in the field of education stable...That is the point, right? I find it hard to believe I will ever need to know complex math equations. So, they say, its to expand your horizons. Alright, so why does group work ( which is exactly what you use in the work force) get so frowned upon? It's all politics. Hell, they even cheat in politicis.. Great cheaters get promoted to the Central Intelligence Agency. Don't feed me that bull principal. I admite you can't actually let kids cheat whenever they want, there has to be a balance, much like the war on drugs. I'll explain, sell drugs, go to jail, have a hard time getting a job. Cheat all the time, get caught, have a hard time getting into college. But an occasional cheater, usually won't get caught, and it will probably increase his/her charisma to swoon their peers to let them. People might tell you its wrong, but i tell you, In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church, so, what the hell is with that?

- Nathan Boone

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